A Guide to Methadone Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
A study from the National Institute on Drug Abuse shows that quitting a substance cold turkey is not always the most effective route to achieving [...]
5 Signs of an Opioid Use Disorder in a Loved One
Is your loved one on drugs, or just going through a rough couple of months? It can be difficult to identify if your loved one [...]
Connecting Substance Use and Domestic Violence
When it comes to mental health, it is not uncommon to see a mental health disorder manifest in conjunction with an experience of trauma. Addictions [...]
Why to Consider a Cross Area Service Program
Even though the recovery journey may be talked about as a whole, a number of important steps are involved when overcoming a drug or alcohol [...]
How to Figure Out if Medication-Assisted Treatment is Right for You
When you’ve developed a substance addiction, it’s imperative you seek professional help for your recovery because the withdrawal symptoms can be severe, even fatal if [...]
A Closer Look at Assertive Community Treatment
Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. Your mental health is what helps you find [...]
Top Benefits of Opioid Addiction Treatment
It can be challenging — even feel impossible at times — to see past an addiction to the other side of recovery. Going through the [...]
What Can I Expect from Drug Rehab?
Whether you’re considering the first few days of rehab, or years down the road, starting drug rehab can be a scary thing. Most people have [...]
Getting Started in Alcohol Rehab: What to Expect
Alcohol rehab is one of the leading treatment methods for alcohol addiction, and “rehab” itself is an overarching term that refers to alcohol addiction treatment. [...]
What You Can Expect During Methamphetamine Treatment
Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant drug with dangerous short and long-term effects. Treating addiction to meth can be challenging, as the main form of [...]
Have I Reached Sobriety Yet?
Sobriety can be a tricky thing to pin down. Both defining and achieving sobriety are challenging, but in this article we’ll give you tips and [...]
Understanding and Seeking Help for Fentanyl Addiction
While fentanyl falls into the opioid category of drugs, a fentanyl addiction can unfortunately raise more alarm than many of the other opioids because of [...]
Does Addiction Run in the Family?
For decades there has been much scientific research devoted to understanding why some people easily become addicted to drugs and alcohol while others don’t. There [...]
Is There a Difference Between Dependence & Addiction?
One of the most commonly asked questions people have in regards to drug addiction is whether there’s a difference between dependence and addiction. You may [...]
Why Safe Disposal of Your Painkillers Matters
It’s common to open your medicine cabinet one day and realize how many prescription bottles sit unused or expired on the shelves. Many people will [...]
Do High-Functioning People Need Professional Help for Addiction?
Spotting a character struggling with addiction in movies or on TV is relatively easy. These characters often lead unstable lives, have broken relationships, and may [...]