How Isolation Fuels Addiction During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Published On: April 14, 2020|Categories: Addiction Treatment|381 words|1.9 min read|
Woman with a mask on looking outside

The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has inspired stress, anxiety, and social isolation across the world. For those already struggling with addiction, these feelings and experiences are bound to make things worse. According to a drug interventionist:

The disease of alcoholism and addiction thrives on isolation. Now we’re kind of being forced to isolate in a lot of ways, so that’s not a good mixture.”

Even individuals who have been in recovery for over a decade are affected by the profound impact the virus has had on the world. With fear and uncertainty, many people may want to reach for a drink or use drugs. Without face-to-face conversations, they may also lack the support and connection they need to resist the urge.

Game-Changing Support

Still, recovery professionals say a simple phone call can be “a game-changer.” While Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other 12-step meetings are no longer available in church basements and community centers, anyone battling addiction can get help online.

AA meetings are taking place on platforms like Zoom and Skype and many recovery centers are offering outpatient care via telehealth.

As one mental health provider told News 8:

Treatment is still available. It does still work, and people can still recover, even in the midst of a pandemic.”

Get Help Today

For many, the hardest part of getting help is knowing where to find it and making the first call. At October Road, we are dedicated to eliminating those obstacles and providing our outpatient addiction treatment services to everyone who needs them.

We offer comprehensive, evidence-based treatment for drug and alcohol addiction and we truly care for our patients. Our approach to recovery is personalized and holistic – our team will get to know you and help you recover on every level.

October Road is offering telehealth services during the COVID-19 pandemic and our treatment facility in Asheville will remain open for serious cases. We are following CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) guidelines and taking all possible precautions to ensure your health and safety.

To get the help you need and take the first step on your road to recovery, simply call us at (888) 201-5086 or send us a message online.

We look forward to getting through this difficult time, together. Call or click today to get started.

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