What You Can Expect During Methamphetamine Treatment

Published On: September 16, 2021|Categories: Addiction Treatment|568 words|2.8 min read|
Young miserable depressed man sitting and thinking

Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant drug with dangerous short and long-term effects. Treating addiction to meth can be challenging, as the main form of treatment is to detox completely from the drug. Once your withdrawal symptoms have subsided, the main focus will then be on sustaining your sobriety from meth and developing skills to curb your addiction in the future.

Meth treatment options

  • Partial hospitalization program. Partial hospitalization will allow you to detox and treat your addiction to meth while learning to re-integrate into your daily life.
  • Outpatient drug rehab. Outpatient rehab is mainly focused on group therapy and individual therapy, similar to partial hospitalization, which allows you to go to work or school
  • Inpatient drug rehab. Inpatient addiction treatment provides a safe place to detox from methamphetamines.
  • Therapy and counseling. One of the most common forms of therapy for meth treatment is cognitive behavioral therapy, a modality that encourages introspection, healthy self-talk and learning coping skills. Cognitive behavioral therapy teaches clients to recognize and adapt their response to stressful situations and environments, which is helpful when encountering triggers. Within and without the context of meth addiction, therapy can help you feel more self-assured and self-aware.
  • Medication management. Some medications have shown great promise at facilitating a long-lasting and sustainable recovery. Certain antidepressants, anti-anxieties and sleep medications have been shown to alleviate the negative cognitive effects of meth, rebalance the brain’s natural dopamine production and supply and relieve the depressive symptoms of withdrawal from meth.

What to expect before, during, and after meth treatment


  • Uncertainty. If you have never gone through methamphetamine treatment, you probably aren’t sure what to expect. It is completely normal and expected to feel a little nervous about what is to come. If you have the chance, speak to a physician or addiction specialist to get an idea of what your specific meth addiction treatment plan will look like.
  • Concern from friends or family. Even then, you won’t respond well to treatment until you feel truly ready to make a change in your life.
  • Feeling like you’re at “rock bottom.” This can sometimes be what it takes for you to feel truly ready to make a change in your life. Remember that you can only go upwards from here.


Withdrawing and detoxing from meth is the necessary first step to recovery, but it is an uncomfortable one. 

Withdrawals from meth can include the following symptoms:

  • Exhaustion and fatigue
  • Excessive sleeping, often for days at a time
  • Depression
  • Difficulty with motor skills
  • Anxiety
  • Low energy level
  • Paranoia
  • Nausea
  • Stomachaches
  • Headaches
  • Hallucinations
  • Increased appetite
  • Excessive sweating
  • Memory loss
  • Fever
  • Psychosis
  • Intense cravings
  • Dehydration
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Body aches and pains
  • Muscle spasms
  • Dry mouth
  • Loss of appetite


  • Peer support. Engaging with others who have also completed detox and are committing to recovery can help motivate you, keep you accountable and give you strength to move forward. Crystal Meth Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are both valuable tools in this regard. 12-step programs provide much-needed structure and support during recovery.
  • Medication. You may choose to work with a psychiatrist to find a medication that aids in your recovery. Medications like Prozac (fluoxetine) can be helpful during the detox phase as it can lessen some withdrawal symptoms, while Wellbutrin (bupropion) and Provigil (modafinil) can help regulate dopamine and improve cognitive function, respectively.

October Road supports your recovery from substance addiction by employing an evidence-based and compassionate integrative care model. Reach out today at 888-201-5086 to learn more about your options for meth treatment.

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